Debbie Friedman died

Debbie Friedman is seriously ill with pneumonia and is hospitalized in Orange County, She is being kept on a respirator and is in a medically induced coma. The name of the hospital has not been released.
Friedman is known for her contributions to contemporary Jewish music, with mostly religious content. She wrote many of her early songs as a song leader at the overnight camp Olin-Sang-Ruby Union Institute in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin in the early 1970s.
Since her debut in 1971, she has published more than 19 albums. Her work is inspired by such diverse sources as Joan Baez, Peter, Paul and Mary, and a number of folk music artists. She uses English and Hebrew lyrics and writes for all ages.

In 2004, A Journey of Spirit, a documentary film about Friedman, was produced by Ann Coppel.

In 2007, Friedman accepted an appointment to the faculty of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion's School of Sacred Music in New York where she instructs both rabbinic and cantorial students.

In a statement, Rabbi Richard Levy of the Hebrew Union College said, “Please pray for Debbie’s recovery... She is a strong believer in the power of prayer, she has elevated so many prayers with her music, and has taught us how to pray through the melodies she has written.”

“Pray this week and on Shabbat, sing the songs that have accompanied your growing up, sing her Mi She-berach with all the power you have–get together with friends and colleagues and sing other songs of hers together – let her hear us in her bed in Orange County, and let the Holy One hear us in the heights of heaven.”
