Ahna o Reilly

Ahna O Reilly has been linked romantically to James Franco for over five years now. Yet, people question if James Franco is gay.
Could she just be his cover?
Why are people even questioning James Franco about this anyway? Oh, because he’s played gay characters.
“Milk,” “Howl,” and the upcoming “The Broken Tower” are all movies where James Franco has played a gay character. Guess that’s enough to get people questioning him.
About her long-time boyfriend wanting to be gay, Ahna says “If he does, it’s news to me!”
Franco is keeping his sense of humor about it and has teased, “You know what, maybe I’m just gay.”
Maybe he just hasn’t given people enough to gossip about because he’s in a long-term relationship. It’s just the characters he’s playing. After all, we don’t see a celeb play a superhero or psycho and think that maybe they secretly are those, so let’s cut James Franco and Ahna O’ Reilly some slack.
